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Table of Contents

Version History
Download and Installation
Integration Services
Code Gallery

Git Hub
Source Code
Issue Tracking

Classes & Schedule

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Download and Installation for Windows

We offer both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of CASE for your convenience. Please select the version that matches your system specifications.
Windows .Zip File Version Checksum (SHA-256)
CASE 32-bit BETA 1.0.0 B2EAD99D8B533E714F3CA82235C7BC1DE288B88DBF805B9AB6B39B6CB1B18F75
CASE 64-bit BETA 1.0.0 F7780C4A8D9909399C7B46EF2105F70FAA3696213E1233EAAA85C553DBC59970
Note: CASE is a standalone file that does not require access to the program files. It is stored with the following associated files:

Python Files
initCaseTemplate.py - This is the template for the conversational LLM initiation.
initAnalysisTemplate.py - This is the template for initializing the LLM with an analysis of detected data with a prompt.

Text Files
initCase.Analysis.Empty.txt - This is a template for chunking analysis into sub files to properly handle the data exchange with the LLM's token limits.
initCase.Conversational.txt - This is a template for initiating the LLM with the data you wish it to know prior to the conversation initiating.
Step 1: Download Python

To use CASE, you first need to install Python. Follow the instructions below to download and install Python:

  1. Go to the Python Downloads Page.
  2. Select the appropriate installer for your Windows version.
  3. Load Python installer onto USB Drive.
  4. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

If you are downloading and installing python into an environment with no development tools, you will need to configure the computer to know where python is. During the installation procedure of python, select 'Custom Install', go through the standard prompts, and select 'Add python to environment variables' in the menu.

Step 2: Install GPT4All

GPT4All is an application which uses localized models on your computer, and CASE utilizes the baseline python command line interface (CLI) for interfacing with these models. You will need both the interface, and the executable for CASE to run.

GPT4All can be installed either by building the executable offline or using pip with temporary internet access:

  • Install GPT4All
    1. Go to the GPT4All GitHub Repository.
    2. Follow the instructions to download the application and install the python.
  • Install GPT4All via Pip
    1. Open your command prompt.
    2. Run the following command to install GPT4All:
      pip install gpt4all
Step 3: Download LLM Models (Optional)

If you want to use LLM models offline, you can download them from Hugging Face:

  1. You can download models from the GPT4All software, or you can download them directly.
  2. Go to the Hugging Face Models Page.
  3. Browse and download the models you need.
Step 4: Download and Install Case

Follow the instructions below to download and install Case:

  1. Download the Case ZIP file from the link provided above.
  2. Run CASE and follow the setup procedure.