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This section focuses on the commands immediately available in the CASE command line system. All of these commands may be run from the run command of windows (Windows Key + R) to instantaneously run a chosen commands. This is helpful for commands such as -execute and -talk to load systems quickly. CASE is an argument-driven application, so you can directly execute commands through the run prompt on Windows (Win+R Key Command), or directly enter them into the application itself. This sub-command starts the interactive command which steps you through the creation process. These commands use the RPA coding and structure to execute commands. For more information on RPA, visit the 'Working with RPA' section. Example: This sub-command starts the interactive command which explains the update process for each command. It walks through a selected command and updates a parameter with what you would like the new value to be. Example: This sub-command allows you to view all of the commands that are currently in the command repository. Example: This sub-command allows you to view available commands while filtering out the commands by software, based on the specified keywords. Example: This sub-command displays a basic overview of the RPA commands and options. Example: This sub-command imports commands from a specified .case file, allowing you to bring in previously saved commands and add them to your command repository. Example: This sub-command exports the selected commands to a .case file, enabling you to save your commands for later use or for sharing with others. Example: This sub-command detects and executes commands based on keywords. You can automate actions by specifying keywords that trigger the desired commands. Options: Example: Executes the specified RPA command directly. Begins monitoring with the provided type and data, activating a command when conditions are met. Monitors the screen for an image, and when found, activates a defined command. Example: -monitor -image "path/to/image.jpg" "some command" Monitors the filesystem for a file, and when found, activates a defined command. Example: -monitor -file "file.txt" "directory" "some command" Monitors a SQL Table for a condition, and when found, activates a defined command. Example: -monitor -database "table" "condition" "some command" Monitors the clipboard for a defined command, and when found, runs the command. Example: -monitor -c Starts the Conversational Generative AI agent. Starts a Conversational Generative AI agent and analyzes specified data. Analyzes a specified file. Example: -analyze -file "path/to/file.txt" "analyze this file" Analyzes a SQL query result. Example: -analyze -database "SELECT * FROM table" "analyze this query" Manages the settings for the CASE application. Unlocks the settings for modification. Example: -settings -unlock Manages passwords for the CASE application. Creates a new encrypted password file from an entered password. Example: -settings -password -c Checks the entered password against the encrypted stored password file. Example: -settings -password -k Goes through the Change Password procedure. Example: -settings -password -h Updates a setting to the given value. Example: -settings -update "SettingName:True" Displays current settings for CASE and its properties. Example: -settings -show Lists and allows a user to select a GPU for the Generative AI configuration files. Example: -settings -gpu Lists and allows a user to reconfigure multiple properties used by the Generative AI configuration files. Example: -settings -ai Deletes settings file to be re-initialized through the 'InitialSetup' process. Example: -resetSettings Displays the help message for the CASE application.Introduction
-command <sub-command> [options]
-command -create
-command -update
-command -view
-command -view <keywords> (optional)
<!-- -->
-command -help
-command -import <filePath>
<!-- -->
-command -export
<!-- -->
-command <keywords>
<!-- -->
-execute e;sExplorer.exe{ENTER}
-monitor <type> <data1> [data2] <command>
-monitor -image
<!-- -->
-monitor -file
<!-- -->
-monitor -database
<!-- -->
-monitor -c
<!-- -->
-analyze <type> <data> <prompt>
-analyze -file
<!-- -->
-analyze -database
<!-- -->
-settings <sub-command> [options]
-settings -unlock
<!-- -->
-settings -password
-settings -password -c
<!-- -->
-settings -password -k
<!-- -->
-settings -password -h
<!-- -->
-settings -update
<!-- -->
-settings -show
<!-- -->
-settings -gpu
<!-- -->
-settings -ai
<!-- -->
<!-- -->